Why a guide for getting started?

SDG Guide
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2015


This guide is a first and preliminary guide on how to “get started” with implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to help stakeholders, including governments at all levels (national, regional, and local), to understand the SDG Agenda, to start an inclusive dialogue on SDG implementation, and to prepare SDG-based national development strategies (or align existing plans and strategies with the goals). It draws upon lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and proposes guiding principles to help countries navigate the SDG Agenda. The guide reflects the universality of the SDG Agenda by recognizing countries’ different starting points.

We underscore the preliminary nature of this document and welcome comments and suggestions for improvement. These will be integrated into subsequent versions of the guide.

What is in the guide?

Chapter 1 introduces the concept of sustainable development, explains the evolution from Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses the importance of goal-based planning.

Chapter 2 offers practical guidance on how to get started with implementing the 2030 Agenda, including how to measure current performance, convene a multi-stakeholder dialogue, and prepare a roadmap for the design of SDG strategies.

Chapter 3 provides a set of tools to support the design of sector- and goal-based strategies to achieve the SDGs.

Download the PDF
A PDF version of the SDG.guide is also available for download.

See below for links to Google translations of this guide available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Who is this guide for?

This guide has been written primarily for:

  1. SDSN Member Institutions, notably universities
  2. Businesses trying to get oriented around the SDGs
  3. National and local policy makers responsible for thinking through the implementation of the SDG agenda
  4. Citizens and civic groups


This guide was written by SDSN Secretariat drawing upon extensive background work by Sophie Matte and Liz Moyer with Chaitanya Kanuri, Danielle Petretta and Claire Bulger. Thanks to the 2015 Human Ecology class at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, as part of the Master’s of Public Administration in Development Practice program, who made major contributions to this guide.


The guide is currently only available in English, but Spanish, French, Portuguese and Mandarin versions are expected in early 2016. Links to a Google translated version of the guide are available below.

Arabic — الشروع في العمل مع الأهداف الإنمائية المستدامة

لماذا دليل للبدء؟

الفصل 1: التعرف على أهداف التنمية المستدامة

الفصل 2: الاستعداد للتنفيذ

الفصل 3: أدوات لتصميم استراتيجيات SDG وخرائط الطرق

اختتام والموارد SDSN أخرى

المرفق 1: قراءات إضافية على الشروع في العمل مع SDGs

مصادر بحسب الباب والمراجع

Chinese — 入門可持續發展目標








French — Premiers pas avec les objectifs de développement durable

Pourquoi un guide pour la mise en route?

Chapitre 1: Apprendre à connaître les objectifs de développement durable

Chapitre 2: Préparation de la mise en œuvre

Chapitre 3: Les outils pour la conception de stratégies et de feuilles de route SDG

Conclusion et d’autres ressources de SDSN

Annexe 1: Lectures complémentaires Mise en route de l’ODD

Sources et bibliographie par chapitre

Portuguese — Começando com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Por que um guia para começar a trabalhar?

Capítulo 1: Conhecer os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Capítulo 2: Preparação para a implementação

Capítulo 3: Ferramentas para o desenho de estratégias e roteiros SDG

Conclusão e outros recursos SDSN

Anexo 1: Leitura adicional sobre Introdução ao ODS

Fontes por capítulo e Bibliografia

Spanish — Introducción a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

¿Por qué una guía para empezar?

Capítulo 1: Llegar a conocer los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Capítulo 2: Preparación para la puesta en práctica

Capítulo 3: Herramientas para el diseño de estrategias y planes de trabajo SDG

Conclusión y otros Recursos SDSN

Anexo 1: Lectura adicional sobre Introducción a los ODS

Fuentes por capítulo y Bibliografía



The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes the world’s top scientists and technical experts on key challenges of sustainable development.